FIDJI 2003 was an international forum for researchers and practitioners in- rested in the advances in, and applications of, software engineering for distri- ted applicationdevelopment. Concerningthe technologies, the workshopfocused on Java-related technologies. It was an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. Allpaperssubmittedtothisworkshopwerereviewedbyatleasttwomembers of the International Program Committee. Acceptance was based primarily on originality and contribution. We selected, for these post-workshop proceedings, 14 papers,...
FIDJI 2003 was an international forum for researchers and practitioners in- rested in the advances in, and applications of, software engineering for d...
This volume comprises the invited surveys and revised versions of the submitted papers selected for presentation at the 10th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types, held jointly with the 4th COMPASS Workshop in S. Margherita, Italy in June 1994. The volume gives a comprehensive state-of-the-art report of the research activities: besides classical algebraic techniques, other relevant topics are investigated, such as formalisms based on general logics and category theory, type systems for specification languages and new structures for modelling dynamic systems. In addition to four...
This volume comprises the invited surveys and revised versions of the submitted papers selected for presentation at the 10th Workshop on Specification...