With Apple, Ken Miki playfully presents a complete basic course in visual communication -- all based on a simple and familiar object: the apple. First, all five senses are activated in a step-by-step analysis of the apple by touching, looking at, smelling, tasting and listening to the sound of eating it. The apple is then used to illustrate the topics of form, color, size, surface, texture, writing, line, body and text -- the fundamental elements a designer works with. Addressing each theme based on this everyday object enables a playful approach that also makes for highly effective learning....
With Apple, Ken Miki playfully presents a complete basic course in visual communication -- all based on a simple and familiar object: the apple. First...
Stan bardzo dobry - książka była czytana, ale jeszcze długo posłuży innym czytelnikom. Ma ślady używania - otwierania i kartkowania, rysy, zabrudzenia. Wygląda jak książka, którą wypożyczasz w bibliotece. With Apple, Ken Miki playfully presents a complete basic course in visual communication -- all based on a simple and familiar object: the apple. First, all five senses are activated in a step-by-step analysis of the apple by touching, looking at, smelling, tasting and listening to the sound of eating it. The apple is then used to illustrate the topics of form, color, size,...
Stan bardzo dobry - książka była czytana, ale jeszcze długo posłuży innym czytelnikom. Ma ślady używania - otwierania i kartkowania, rysy, zab...