Can there be a resolution as to whether armed intervention is ever legally justified as a response to gross human rights violations without UN Security Council authorization? Thus far, international lawyers have been caught between giving a negative answer on the basis of the UN Charter's rules ('positivists') and a 'turn to ethics, ' declaring intervention legitimate on moral grounds while eschewing legal analysis ('moralists'). In this book, a third solution is proposed. The idea is presented that many equitable principles may qualify as 'general principles of law recognized by civilized...
Can there be a resolution as to whether armed intervention is ever legally justified as a response to gross human rights violations without UN Securit...
In a time of too many graduates for too few jobs, and in a context where applicants have similar levels of educational capital, what other factors influence graduate career trajectories? Based on the life history interviews of graduates and framed through a Bourdieusian sociological lens, "Culture, Capitals and Graduate Futures" explores the continuing role that social class as well as cultural and social capitals have on both the aspirations and expectations towards, and the trajectories within, the graduate labour market.
Framed within the current context of increasing levels of...
In a time of too many graduates for too few jobs, and in a context where applicants have similar levels of educational capital, what other factors ...