This book closes the gap between theory and classroom application by capitalizing on learners' individuality in second or foreign language learning. The book examines the existing literature and theoretical underpinnings of each of the most prominent learner characteristics including anxiety, beliefs, cognitive abilities, motivation, strategies, styles and willingness to communicate. This strong foundation, coupled with the wide variety of activities that are suggested at the end of each chapter, arms the reader with ideas to conquer the problems created by negative affect and to...
This book closes the gap between theory and classroom application by capitalizing on learners' individuality in second or foreign language learning...
This book closes the gap between theory and classroom application by capitalizing on learners' individuality in second or foreign language learning. The book examines the existing literature and theoretical underpinnings of each of the most prominent learner characteristics including anxiety, beliefs, cognitive abilities, motivation, strategies, styles and willingness to communicate. This strong foundation, coupled with the wide variety of activities that are suggested at the end of each chapter, arms the reader with ideas to conquer the problems created by negative affect and to...
This book closes the gap between theory and classroom application by capitalizing on learners' individuality in second or foreign language learning...
This book serves as a practical guide for individual teachers, helping them discover strategies for nurturing and promoting their wellbeing. It also acknowledges the importance of contextual factors. Readers are encouraged to reflect upon their own practice and find techniques that suit them personally.
This book serves as a practical guide for individual teachers, helping them discover strategies for nurturing and promoting their wellbeing. It also a...