Beloved is an extraordinary novel: it won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1987, and author Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Lterature in 1993. Set in the era of slavery, emancipation, and reconstruction in the United States, Beloved explores essential questions involving freedom, selfhood, love, and responsibility. The novel's intricate narrative strategies, its compelling cast of characters, and its exploration of African American history make Beloved a richly complex and often difficult text. This guide to Morrison's novel will help readers not only to...
Beloved is an extraordinary novel: it won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1987, and author Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Lterature...
Beloved is an extraordinary novel: it won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1987, and author Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Lterature in 1993. Set in the era of slavery, emancipation, and reconstruction in the United States, Beloved explores essential questions involving freedom, selfhood, love, and responsibility. The novel's intricate narrative strategies, its compelling cast of characters, and its exploration of African American history make Beloved a richly complex and often difficult text. This guide to Morrison's novel will help readers not only to...
Beloved is an extraordinary novel: it won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1987, and author Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Lterature...