In a world of nation-states, international migration raises questions of membership: Should foreigners be admitted to the national space? If so, according to what criteria and for what ends? And should they and their children be granted citizenship? Canada and Germany's responses to these questions during the first half of the twentieth century consisted of discriminatory immigration and citizenship policies aimed at harnessing migration for economic ends while minimizing its costs. Yet, by the end of the century, the admission, settlement, and incorporation of previously excluded groups...
In a world of nation-states, international migration raises questions of membership: Should foreigners be admitted to the national space? If so, ac...
This book considers the origins, performance and diffusion of national immigration policies targeting highly skilled immigrants. Unlike asylum seekers and immigrants admitted under family reunification streams, highly skilled immigrants are typically cast as "wanted and welcome" as a consequence of their potential economic contribution to the receiving society and putative assimilability. Testing the degree to which this assumption holds is the principle aim of this book. In contrast to publications which see highly skilled immigration as functional response to labor market needs, the book...
This book considers the origins, performance and diffusion of national immigration policies targeting highly skilled immigrants. Unlike asylum seekers...
This book reminds us of Europe's multi-faceted history of expulsions, flight, and labour migration and the extent to which European history since 1945 is a history of migration. While immigration and ethnic plurality have often been divisive issues, encounters between Europeans and newcomers have also played an important part in the development of a European identity. The authors analyze questions of individual and collective identities, political responses to migration, and the way in which migrants and migratory movements have been represented, both by migrants themselves and their...
This book reminds us of Europe's multi-faceted history of expulsions, flight, and labour migration and the extent to which European history since 1945...