Based on a short story by Somerset Maugham, Before The Party tells the story of a family attempting to return to normal in the wake of the Second World War. With daughter Laura returned from Africa, widowed but not alone, they prepare for the latest social gathering. Amidst the never-ending whirl of hats and dresses and below stairs skirmishes, Laura reveals a shocking secret that threatens to ruin more than one party on the climb to social success.
Based on a short story by Somerset Maugham, Before The Party tells the story of a family attempting to return to normal in the wake of the Seco...
Condemned as a -libel on the British people- when it was first produced in 1951, Absolute Hell is set in a decaying West End drinking club at the end of the Second World War. The 1995 production at the Royal National Theatre starred Judi Dench and was directed by Anthony Page.
Condemned as a -libel on the British people- when it was first produced in 1951, Absolute Hell is set in a decaying West End drinking club ...