The ?nite element method is one of the major tools used in the numerical solution of partial di?erential equations. This book o?ers a fundamental and practical introduction to the method, its variants, and their applications. In presenting the material, I have attempted to introduce every concept in the simplest possible setting and to maintain a level of treatment that is as rigorous as possible without being unnecessarily abstract. The book is based on the material that I have used in a graduate course at Southern Methodist University for several years. Part of the material was...
The ?nite element method is one of the major tools used in the numerical solution of partial di?erential equations. This book o?ers a fundamental and ...
Wu Zhang, Zhangxin Chen, Roland Glowinski, Weiqin Tong
A large international conference on High Performance Computing and its - plications was held in Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2004. It served as a forum to present current work by researchers and software developers from around the world as well as to highlight activities in the high performance computing area. It aimed to bring together research scientists, application - oneers, andsoftwaredeveloperstodiscussproblemsandsolutionsandtoid- tify new issues in this area. The conference focused on the design and analysis of high performance computing algorithms, tools, and platforms and their s-...
A large international conference on High Performance Computing and its - plications was held in Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2004. It served as a for...
The ?nite element method is one of the major tools used in the numerical solution of partial di?erential equations. This book o?ers a fundamental and practical introduction to the method, its variants, and their applications. In presenting the material, I have attempted to introduce every concept in the simplest possible setting and to maintain a level of treatment that is as rigorous as possible without being unnecessarily abstract. The book is based on the material that I have used in a graduate course at Southern Methodist University for several years. Part of the material was...
The ?nite element method is one of the major tools used in the numerical solution of partial di?erential equations. This book o?ers a fundamental and ...
The need to predict, understand, and optimize complex physical and c- mical processes occurring in and around the earth, such as groundwater c- tamination, oil reservoir production, discovering new oil reserves, and ocean hydrodynamics, has been increasingly recognized. Despite their seemingly disparate natures, these geoscience problems have many common mathe- tical and computational characteristics. The techniques used to describe and study them are applicable across a broad range of areas. The study of the above problems through physical experiments, mat- matical theory, and computational...
The need to predict, understand, and optimize complex physical and c- mical processes occurring in and around the earth, such as groundwater c- tamina...
Offers a fundamental and practical introduction to the finite element method, its variants, and their applications in engineering. This title introduces various finite elements in one, two, and three space dimensions, and their applications to elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, and nonlinear equations and to solid mechanics and fluid mechanics.
Offers a fundamental and practical introduction to the finite element method, its variants, and their applications in engineering. This title introduc...