James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820 1889) was a Shakespeare scholar, archaeologist and controversialist with wide antiquarian interests. In 1842, while Librarian of Jesus College, Cambridge, he published The Jokes of the Cambridge Coffee-Houses in the Seventeenth Century, which he described as a collection of early anecdotes 'selected from various Jest Books' which 'serve to show the state of this class of literature during that period'. In this volume it is paired with a pamphlet, The Fresher's Don'ts, written by 'A Sympathiser (B. A.)', (probably A. J. Storey) and first published in the...
James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820 1889) was a Shakespeare scholar, archaeologist and controversialist with wide antiquarian interests. In 1842, ...