The Horror Film is an in-depth exploration of one of the most consistently popular, but also most disreputable, of all the mainstream film genres. Since the early 1930s there has never been a time when horror films were not being produced in substantial numbers somewhere in the world and never a time when they were not being criticised, censored or banned. The Horror Film engages with the key issues raised by this most contentious of genres. It considers the reasons for horror's disreputability and seeks to explain why despite this horror has been so successful. Where precisely does the...
The Horror Film is an in-depth exploration of one of the most consistently popular, but also most disreputable, of all the mainstream film genres. Sin...
Peter Hutchings' many faceted account of Hammer's 1958 gothic horror classic explores the ways in which the history of the Dracula story, as well as the Hammer company's own fortunes affected the nature of the film, and looks closely at the film itself and the distinctive performance styles of its stars, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.
Peter Hutchings' many faceted account of Hammer's 1958 gothic horror classic explores the ways in which the history of the Dracula story, as well as t...