Companion workbook to the CFA Institute's Investments: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis Workbook
In a world of specialization, no other profession likely requires such broad, yet in-depth knowledge than that of financial analyst. Investments: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis provides the broad-based knowledge professionals and students of the markets need to manage money and maximize return. This companion Workbook, also edited by experts from the CFA Institute, allows busy professionals to gain a stronger understanding of core investment topics. The...
Companion workbook to the CFA Institute's Investments: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis Workbook
Useful for Control engineers, mechanical engineers and mechanical technicians who will learn how to select the proper control systems for axial and centrifugal compressors for proper throughput and surge control, with a particular emphasis on surge control. This book helps readers to learn to understand the importance of transmitter speed.
Useful for Control engineers, mechanical engineers and mechanical technicians who will learn how to select the proper control systems for axial and ce...