How can we determine if current growth patterns are sustainable, and what changes to we need to make to make them more so? This volume addresses these issues in a rigorous yet accessible fashion, presenting the current research of some of the world's leading scholars.
How can we determine if current growth patterns are sustainable, and what changes to we need to make to make them more so? This volume addresses these...
of ecological (also biological) variables b which interact in their dynamic t evolution: det dbt dt = f (et, bt)' dt = 9 (et, bt). Among the solution paths to this interaction between economic and ecologi cal variables, we look for those which are sustainable. Sustainable paths are typically those along which the values of certain key stocks are always pos itive, these key stocks being important environmental resources. The types of paths on which certain variables can be positive forever include station ary solutions with appropriate positivity conditions, or limit cycles or chaotic...
of ecological (also biological) variables b which interact in their dynamic t evolution: det dbt dt = f (et, bt)' dt = 9 (et, bt). Among the solution ...