Intentionality - therelationship between conscious states and their objects - is one of the mostdiscussed topics in contemporary debates in philosophy of mind, cognitiveneuroscience and the study of consciousness. Long a foundational concept inPhenomenology, it has also received considerable coverage in the writings ofanalytic philosophers. This book is the first study to offer an impartial, well-informed assessment of the two traditions' approaches through an in-depthinvestigation of the principal thinkers' ideas, so that their positions emergeside-by-side, converging and diverging on...
Intentionality - therelationship between conscious states and their objects - is one of the mostdiscussed topics in contemporary debates in phil...
Intentionality - the relationship between conscious states and their objects - is one of the most discussed topics in contemporary debates in philosophy of mind, cognitive neuroscience and the study of consciousness. Long a foundational concept in Phenomenology, it has also received considerable coverage in the writings of analytic philosophers. This book is the first study to offer an impartial, well-informed assessment of the two traditions' approaches through an in-depth investigation of the principal thinkers' ideas, so that their positions emerge side-by-side, converging and diverging...
Intentionality - the relationship between conscious states and their objects - is one of the most discussed topics in contemporary debates in philo...