This classic companion to undergraduate practical work in physics describes the purposeful, critical approach that should be made to all physics experiments. It covers the statistical treatment of data and experimental methods, and gives advice on keeping efficient records, calculations, and scientific writing. The new edition features treatment of the c2 distribution, a section on atomic clocks, worked examples based on spreadsheets, and additional exercises. Existing examples and references have been brought up to date. The text is liberally illustrated with examples and exercises, with...
This classic companion to undergraduate practical work in physics describes the purposeful, critical approach that should be made to all physics exper...
Since the advent of the nuclear reactor, thermal neutron scattering has proved a valuable tool for studying many properties of solids and liquids, and research workers are active in the field at reactor centres and universities throughout the world. This classic text provides the basic quantum theory of thermal neutron scattering and applies the concepts to scattering by crystals, liquids and magnetic systems. Other topics discussed are the relation of the scattering to correlation functions in the scattering system, the dynamical theory of scattering and polarisation analysis. No previous...
Since the advent of the nuclear reactor, thermal neutron scattering has proved a valuable tool for studying many properties of solids and liquids, and...