Reveals the use of direct perception in understanding Nature, medicinal plants, and the healing of human disease - Explores the techniques used by indigenous and Western peoples to learn directly from the plants themselves, including those of Henry David Thoreau, Goethe, and Masanobu Fukuoka, author of The One Straw Revolution - Contains leading-edge information on the heart as an organ of perception All ancient and indigenous peoples insisted their knowledge of plant medicines came from the plants themselves and not through trial-and-error experimentation. Less well known...
Reveals the use of direct perception in understanding Nature, medicinal plants, and the healing of human disease - Explores the techniques used by...
Fasting practices to reconnect with the sacred, regain a sense of your life's purpose, and heal physically and emotionally - Details what to expect during your fast physically, emotionally, and spiritually - Provides step-by-step guidelines on preparing for the fast, how long you should fast, what you can and can't do during the fast, and how to end your fast - Explains how fasting can help or heal many chronic conditions, such as type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, psoriasis, and insomnia For millennia humans have fasted for spiritual,...
Fasting practices to reconnect with the sacred, regain a sense of your life's purpose, and heal physically and emotionally - Details what to expec...
A guide to the natural treatment of two of the most common and damaging coinfections of Lyme disease--Bartonella and Mycoplasma - Reveals how these conditions often go undiagnosed, complicate Lyme treatment, and cause a host of symptoms--from arthritis to severe brain dysfunction - Outlines natural treatments for both infections, with herbs and supplements for specific symptoms and to combat overreactions of the immune system - Reviews the latest scientific research on Bartonella and Mycoplasma coinfections and how treatment with antibiotics is often ineffective Each year...
A guide to the natural treatment of two of the most common and damaging coinfections of Lyme disease--Bartonella and Mycoplasma - Reveals how thes...
Studie Benedikta Mohelníka OP o svátosti biřmování je publikací jeho doktorské teze v oboru dogmatické teologie. Autor se zabývá otázkou, zda je svátost biřmování správně chápána a zda se jí dostává správného místa v křesťanském životě. Vychází ze studia novodobé historie diskuse týkající se biřmování, analyzuje různé způsoby přístupu k tématu (učení magisteria, teologická reflexe, ekumenický pohled) a podrobuje je precizní kritice.
Studie Benedikta Mohelníka OP o svátosti biřmování je publikací jeho doktorské teze v oboru dogmatické teologie. Autor se zabývá otázkou, z...