Bex belongs to a hidden society of misfits, homeless and runaways who live in the Narrows, the hidden paths that lie behind even the darkest of alleyways. For years they have lived apart from the rest of the world, but the Narrows are closing, and nobody knows why.
Bex belongs to a hidden society of misfits, homeless and runaways who live in the Narrows, the hidden paths that lie behind even the darkest of alleyw...
It can be boring waiting to become a ghost. New York has alligators in the sewers, but did you know that Birmingham has man-eating octopuses in its canals. What sacrifices were they prepared to offer to build the railway? What was it that crashed into the Land Rover's front bumper? How can she escape from captivity, from a room high in a tower block? What is it that his the non-existent hand touches? Discover these chilling horrors and more...
It can be boring waiting to become a ghost. New York has alligators in the sewers, but did you know that Birmingham has man-eating octopuses in its ca...