Welcome to Ikebukuro, where Tokyo's wildest characters gather Meet an ordinary boy who daydreams about the extraordinary. A naive stalker girl. The strongest man in Ikebukuro. A shut-in doctor with questionable credentials. A hedonistic informant...and the "headless rider" astride a pitch-black motorcycle ? As their paths cross, this eccentric cast weaves a twisted, cracked love story...
Welcome to Ikebukuro, where Tokyo's wildest characters gather Meet an ordinary boy who daydreams about the extraordinary. A naive stalker girl. The ...
Twisted passion accelerates disaster After twenty years of searching, Celty, the headless Black Rider, has at last found her missing head-bobbing through the streets of Ikebukuro on someone else's neck Though Celty pursues, the girl escapes on the arm of Mikado Ryuugamine, taking refuge in his apartment. But with both the legendary Rider and Yagiri Pharmaceuticals bearing down on Ryuugamine in their pursuit of the scarred girl, how can he hope to save his own neck?
Twisted passion accelerates disaster After twenty years of searching, Celty, the headless Black Rider, has at last found her missing head-bobbin...