In A Quest for Humanity, Menno Boldt presents a persuasive new framework for achieving a human social order in the global age. Boldt explores the concept of 'the good society' as a world in which every person can realize their potential for humanity through liberty, social justice, and equal human dignity.
A Quest for Humanity innovatively positions globalization as a deterministic phenomenon of expanding interdependence and shared knowledge -- resulting in ever-larger economic and political jurisdictions, but also creating social and psychological links between...
In A Quest for Humanity, Menno Boldt presents a persuasive new framework for achieving a human social order in the global age. Boldt explo...
This collection of many voices develops more deeply and exhaustively the issues raised in the editors' earlier volume, Pathways to Self-Determination. It contains some twenty-three papers from representatives of the aboriginal people's organizations, of governments, and of a variety of academic disciplines, along with introductions and an epilogue by the editors and appendices of the key constitutional documents from 1763.
The contributors represent a broad cross-section of tribal, geographic, and organizational perspectives. They discuss constitutional questions such as...
This collection of many voices develops more deeply and exhaustively the issues raised in the editors' earlier volume, Pathways to Self-Determi...