Cal Leandros is 19. He eats junk food, he doesn't clean up after himself and fights with his half brother Niko. Cal's father has been after him for the last four years. And given that he's a monster whose dark lineage is the stuff of nightmares they really don't want him and his entire otherworldly race catching up with them.
Cal Leandros is 19. He eats junk food, he doesn't clean up after himself and fights with his half brother Niko. Cal's father has been after him for th...
Kal Leandros a jeho bratr Nik se pod náporem práce zrovna nehroutí. Jejich detektivní agentura se specializací na nadpřirozené bytosti hojné časy nezažívá. Koho by napadlo, že v New Yorku, kde skoro na každém rohu narazíte na upíry, troly, vlkodlaky a spoustu jiných podivných stvoření, bude obchod váznout? Jenže teď se do Velkého jablka přistěhoval nový obyvatel. Děsivé, prastaré zlo se rozhodlo zapsat do dějin města krvavými orgiemi a vraždí lidi jako ovce. Kal s Nikem si tuhle výplatu budou muset opravdu těžce odpracovat. Pokud se vůbec dožijí toho,...
Kal Leandros a jeho bratr Nik se pod náporem práce zrovna nehroutí. Jejich detektivní agentura se specializací na nadpřirozené bytosti hojné ...
Kdysi, když Kal Leandros a jeho bratr Niko pracovali na případu, je stará cikánská královna pořádně podrazila. Sotva se z toho dostali živí. A hádejte, kdo se najednou objevil teď, když se jejich detektivní agentuře moc nedaří, a nabízí jim práci. Stará cikánka chce, aby našli ukradenou rakev. Kal by jí raději do nějaké pomohl, ale v téhle rakvi je zavřené zlo známé jako Mor světa – a Černá smrt proti němu vypadá jako vzpomínka na nedělní piknik. Jenže zloděj už zmizel z města, a tak se bratři musí vydat na cestu. A jestli budou mít...
Kdysi, když Kal Leandros a jeho bratr Niko pracovali na případu, je stará cikánská královna pořádně podrazila. Sotva se z toho dostali živ...
Cal and his half-brother Niko's lives are settling back to normal after stopping their bloodthirsty relatives from bringing about the apocalypse. They've found a new apartment and employment by starting an investigative agency. Their latest job is undercover work for the Kin - New York's werewolf mafia - to sniff out proof of a set-up by a rival.
Cal and his half-brother Niko's lives are settling back to normal after stopping their bloodthirsty relatives from bringing about the apocalypse. They...
A malevolent evil with ancient powers, dead set on making history with an orgy of blood and murder, is on a human killing spree throughout the Big Apple. And for half-human Cal and his brother, Niko, this is one paycheque they're going to have to earn - if they survive to collect it.
A malevolent evil with ancient powers, dead set on making history with an orgy of blood and murder, is on a human killing spree throughout the Big App...
Half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko, are barely getting by with the preternatural detective agency when the vampire Seamus hires them. He's being followed and he wants to know by whom.
Half-human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko, are barely getting by with the preternatural detective agency when the vampire Seamus hires them. He's b...
Caliban Leandros is half human-Rom and half Auphe. He loves his guns and he loves his brother Niko, so when Niko's shady father is in town and needs a big favour, Cal is on the lookout for danger. Even worse is the reunion being held by the devious Puck race, including Cal's friend Robin, featuring a lottery that no Puck wants to win.
Caliban Leandros is half human-Rom and half Auphe. He loves his guns and he loves his brother Niko, so when Niko's shady father is in town and needs a...
Brothers Cal and Niko Leandros have faced supernatural serial killers before. Chasing one more is just another night's work, but what they don't realize is that this time, the assumed prey is actually their predator. Springheeled-Jack has been watching them for some time. He knows the brothers and wants what they owe him. While Cal and Niko have faced the supernatural kid before, 12 years ago they were also almost victims of a very human serial killer - and the monster they're up against now is not happy about how things ended then.
Brothers Cal and Niko Leandros have faced supernatural serial killers before. Chasing one more is just another night's work, but what they don't reali...
Výbor je pojat jako chronologicky členěný průřez tvorbou autora: od prvotin z poloviny sedmdesátých let minulého století až po texty datované rokem 1989. Kniha předkládá čtenáři pozoruhodný doklad o celistvosti originální poetiky širší veřejnosti méně známého surrealistického tvůrce, výrazného představitele surrealistické skupiny kolem Vratislava Effenbergera. Výbor je zároveň výmluvnou rekapitulací jedné básnické cesty, specifické okolnostmi doby a prostředí.
Výbor je pojat jako chronologicky členěný průřez tvorbou autora: od prvotin z poloviny sedmdesátých let minulého století až po texty datova...