Unlock the secret to groundbreaking innovation with this game-changing guide
Innovation means putting ideas to work. It is a discipline that can be learned, practiced, and leveraged to propel meaningful transformation and sustainable success, and it is proving to be the margin of difference in the largest concentrated sector of our economy: healthcare. This is where the stakes may be highest because the transcendent ideas that come from the patient bedside or laboratory bench don't just translate to a bottom line, they improve and extend human life.
Since its...
Unlock the secret to groundbreaking innovation with this game-changing guide
Innovation means putting ideas to work. It is a...
In 2000, a sixteenth-century manuscript containing a copy of a previously unknown play in Middle Cornish, probably composed in the second half of the fifteenth century, was discovered among papers bequeathed to the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. This eagerly awaited edition of the play, published in association with the National Library of Wales, offers a conservatively edited text with a facing-page translation, and a reproduction of the original text at the foot of the page - vital for comparative purposes. Also included are a complete vocabulary, detailed linguistic notes, and a...
In 2000, a sixteenth-century manuscript containing a copy of a previously unknown play in Middle Cornish, probably composed in the second half of the ...