Released in 1999, Fight Club is David Fincher's popular adaption of Chuck Palahniuk's cult novel, and one of the most philosophically rich films of recent years. This is the first book to explore the varied philosophical aspects of the film. Beginning with an introduction by the editor that places the film and essays in context, each chapter explores a central theme of Fight Club from a philosophical perspective. Topics discussed include:
Fight Club, Plato's cave and Descartes' cogito
moral disintegration
identity, gender...
Released in 1999, Fight Club is David Fincher's popular adaption of Chuck Palahniuk's cult novel, and one of the most philosophically rich...
Taking Picture Books Seriously: What can we learn about philosophy through children's books?
This warm and charming volume casts a spell on adult readers as it unveils the surprisingly profound philosophical wisdom contained in children's picture books, from Dr Seuss's Sneetches to William Steig's Shrek . With a light touch and good humor, Wartenberg discusses the philosophical ideas in these classic stories, and provides parents with a practical starting point for discussing philosophical issues with their children. Accessible and multi-layered, it answers questions...
Taking Picture Books Seriously: What can we learn about philosophy through children's books?
This warm and charming volume casts a spell on ...
Taking Picture Books Seriously: What can we learn about philosophy through children's books?
This warm and charming volume casts a spell on adult readers as it unveils the surprisingly profound philosophical wisdom contained in children's picture books, from Dr Seuss's Sneetches to William Steig's Shrek . With a light touch and good humor, Wartenberg discusses the philosophical ideas in these classic stories, and provides parents with a practical starting point for discussing philosophical issues with their children. Accessible and multi-layered, it answers questions...
Taking Picture Books Seriously: What can we learn about philosophy through children's books?
This warm and charming volume casts a spell on ...