Recent years have seen a proliferation of international courts and tribunals, which has given rise to several new issues affecting the administration of international justice. This book makes a signification contribution to understanding the impact of this proliferation by addressing one important question: namely, whether international courts and tribunals are increasingly adopting common approaches to issues of procedure and remedies. This book's central argument is that there is an increasing commonality in the practice of international courts to the application of rules concerning these...
Recent years have seen a proliferation of international courts and tribunals, which has given rise to several new issues affecting the administration ...
International investment law is in a state of evolution. With the advent of investor-State arbitration in the latter part of the twentieth century and its exponential growth over the last decade new levels of complexity, uncertainty and substantive expansion are emerging. States continue to enter into investment treaties and the number of investor-State arbitration claims continues to rise. At the same time, the various participants in investment treaty arbitration are faced with increasingly difficult issues concerning the fundamental character of the investment treaty regime, the role of...
International investment law is in a state of evolution. With the advent of investor-State arbitration in the latter part of the twentieth century and...
In the late 1980s, the idiosyncratic Chester Brown (author of the muchlauded Paying for It and Louis Riel) began writing the cult classic comic book series Yummy Fur. Within its pages, he serialized the groundbreaking Ed the Happy Clown, revealing a macabre universe of parallel dimensions. Thanks to its wholly original yet disturbing story lines, Ed set the stage for Brown to become a world-renowned cartoonist.
Ed the Happy Clown is a hallucinatory tale...
In the late 1980s, the idiosyncratic Chester Brown (author...
A memoir of shocking honesty by the graphic novelist behind 2011's acclaimed comic Paying for It
As with every Chester Brown book, The Playboy--originally published in 1992--was ahead of its time, illustrating the fearlessness and prescience of the iconoclastic cartoonist. A memoir about Brown's adolescent sexuality and shame, The Playboy chronicles his teenage obsession with the magazine of the same name, but it's also a work that explores the physical form of comics to their fullest storytelling capacity. In it, a fifteen-year-old Chester is visited by a...
A memoir of shocking honesty by the graphic novelist behind 2011's acclaimed comic Paying for It
Originální autobiografi ký komiks kanadského autora. Chester je unaven ze vztahů s ženami, a po dalším rozchodu se rozhodne nezkoušet znovu najít pevný vztah s jinou dívkou. Sex mu ovšem schází, a získává ho tou nejsnadnější cestou: platí za něj. Ve své knize otevřeně líčí svoje zkušenosti s prostitutkami, nejen tělesné, ale i emocionální. Nejde nikterak o pornografii – Brownův komiks zprostředkuje čtenáři svět profesionálních milenek, ne každému známý a opředený předsudky, a je především polemikou s tradičním chápáním vztahu mezi...
Originální autobiografi ký komiks kanadského autora. Chester je unaven ze vztahů s ženami, a po dalším rozchodu se rozhodne nezkoušet znovu n...