'Habibi', based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam. They live in isolation in an old boat in the desert. As they age their relationship shifts from mother and son, to brother and sister and eventually lovers.
'Habibi', based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam....
The field of interventional cardiology and interventional vascular medicine now comprises the dominant diagnostic and therapeutic field within cardiovascular medicine, and continues to grow in terms of patients managed and physicians trained. The Textbook of Cardiovascular Intervention is intended to provide a modern, comprehensive and practical text on interventional cardiology for the current, rapidly evolving practice environment. It is written by a group of worldwide experts in the field and will appeal to fellows, residents and physicians in cardiology, interventional...
The field of interventional cardiology and interventional vascular medicine now comprises the dominant diagnostic and therapeutic field with...