El cambio climatico y la crisis de extincion entrelazados se prestan a la economia politica. Joseph Henry Vogel ha construido un argumento a favor de llevar a los paises ricos en carbono, pero pobres economicamente, a traves del cuello de botella de la economia de vaquero y hacia el "comercio en el derecho de emisiones" de los paises Anexo I del Protocolo de Kioto. Ecuador sirve como el modelo. "La economia de la Iniciativa Yasuni-ITT" es un contrapunto a muchos niveles a "El Informe Stern" por Sir Nicholas Stern. En el nivel mas basico, Vogel sostiene que Stern se equivoca por su falta de...
El cambio climatico y la crisis de extincion entrelazados se prestan a la economia politica. Joseph Henry Vogel ha construido un argumento a favor ...
of ecological (also biological) variables b which interact in their dynamic t evolution: det dbt dt = f (et, bt)' dt = 9 (et, bt). Among the solution paths to this interaction between economic and ecologi cal variables, we look for those which are sustainable. Sustainable paths are typically those along which the values of certain key stocks are always pos itive, these key stocks being important environmental resources. The types of paths on which certain variables can be positive forever include station ary solutions with appropriate positivity conditions, or limit cycles or chaotic...
of ecological (also biological) variables b which interact in their dynamic t evolution: det dbt dt = f (et, bt)' dt = 9 (et, bt). Among the solution ...
This timely Handbook recognizes the emergence of climate change as the defining topic of our time. With public climate discourse growing more urgent every year, this Handbook brings together international experts from different economic disciplines to answer critical climate policy questions. Chapters present key ideas and policies to support and accelerate advances in three key areas: the political economy of climate change and climate policy, integrated assessment modelling, and economic and resource sustainability. Contributors discuss the distributional implications of climate change...
This timely Handbook recognizes the emergence of climate change as the defining topic of our time. With public climate discourse growing more urgent e...
This timely Handbook recognizes the emergence of climate change as the defining topic of our time. With public climate discourse growing more urgent every year, this Handbook brings together international experts from different economic disciplines to answer critical climate policy questions. Chapters present key ideas and policies to support and accelerate advances in three key areas: the political economy of climate change and climate policy, integrated assessment modelling, and economic and resource sustainability. Contributors discuss the distributional implications of climate...
This timely Handbook recognizes the emergence of climate change as the defining topic of our time. With public climate discourse growing more urgent e...