Kurt Godel (1906-1978) was an Austrian-American mathematician, who is best known for his incompleteness theorems. He was the greatest mathematical logician of the 20th century, with his contributions extending to Einstein's general relativity, as he proved that Einstein's theory allows for time machines.
The Godel incompleteness theorem - the usual formal mathematical systemscannot prove nor disprove all true mathematical sentences - is frequently presented in textbooks as something that happens in the rarefied realms of mathematical logic, and that has nothing to do...
Kurt Godel (1906-1978) was an Austrian-American mathematician, who is best known for his incompleteness theorems. He was the greatest mathematical ...
Presents the story of Gregory Chaitin's account of his discovery of 'omega'. This work shows us that mathematics is as much art form as logic, as much science as pure reasoning, and sheds light on what we can ultimately hope to know about the universe and the very nature of life.
Presents the story of Gregory Chaitin's account of his discovery of 'omega'. This work shows us that mathematics is as much art form as logic, as much...