This book is a literary, social, and political portrait of Alexandria at a high point of its history. Drawing on diaries, letters, and interviews, Michael Haag recovers the lost life of the city, its cosmopolitan inhabitants, and its literary characters. Located on the coast of Africa yet rich in historical associations with Western civilization, Alexandria was home to an exotic variety of people whose cosmopolitan families had long been rooted in the commerce and the culture of the entire Mediterranean world. Alexandria famously excited the imaginations of writers, and Haag folds...
This book is a literary, social, and political portrait of Alexandria at a high point of its history. Drawing on diaries, letters, and interviews, ...
Shooting Incident Reconstruction, Second Edition, offers a thorough explanation of matters from simple to complex to help the reader understand the factors surrounding ballistics, trajectory, and shooting scenes.
Forensic scientists, law enforcement, and crime scene investigators are often tasked with reconstruction of events based on crime scene evidence, along with the subsequent analysis of that evidence. The use and misuse of firearms to perpetrate crimes from theft to murder necessitates numerous invitations to reconstruct shooting incidents. The discharge of firearms...
Shooting Incident Reconstruction, Second Edition, offers a thorough explanation of matters from simple to complex to help the reader unders...
Michael Haag investigates the Templars' history, legends and mysteries - and the belief that their hand can be seen in everything from the Cathar heresy to Masonic conspiracies.
Michael Haag investigates the Templars' history, legends and mysteries - and the belief that their hand can be seen in everything from the Cathar here...
In 'The Tragedy of the Templars', Michael Haag explores the rise and fall of the Templars against the backdrop of the Crusader ideal and their settlement venture in Outremer.
In 'The Tragedy of the Templars', Michael Haag explores the rise and fall of the Templars against the backdrop of the Crusader ideal and their settlem...
Nová kniha Michaela Haaga líčí vzestup templářů a jejich zkázu na pozadí ideálu křižáckého života a jejich plánů na osídlení Svaté země. Území, kterému Evropané říkali Outremer („za mořem“), zůstávalo i po čtyřech staletích muslimské nadvlády osídlené převážně křesťany, s nimiž Frankové uzavírali sňatky a vytvářeli svébytnou civilizaci. Je to příběh, v němž je předem jasné, že se všechno pokazí. Hrůza i fascinace spočívá ve způsobu, jak ke konečné zkáze došlo, i v tom, jak obrovská byla následná ztráta.
Nová kniha Michaela Haaga líčí vzestup templářů a jejich zkázu na pozadí ideálu křižáckého života a jejich plánů na osídlení Svaté...