Reprezentativní výbor z díla jednoho z nejvýznamnějších duchovních učitelů 20. století (1895-1986), vydaný ke 100. výročí jeho narození. Kniha je souborem textů, zaměřených k celkovému obeznámení s životem a učením J. Krishnamurtiho. Výběr byl proveden tak, aby se týkal situací běžného života, jakým každý z nás musí denně čelit. Současně byl brán zřetel na to, aby byl dobře patrný Krishnamurtiho osobitý přístup k jejich řešení. Jsou zde charakteristické ukázky téměř ze všech oblastí Krishnamurtiho činnosti, tj. veřejné...
Reprezentativní výbor z díla jednoho z nejvýznamnějších duchovních učitelů 20. století (1895-1986), vydaný ke 100. výročí jeho narozen...
This book contains one lecture and two of Krishnamurti's legendary Ommen Campfire Talks given in Holland during his early years of teaching, and closes with three of his poems. It reflects the last and very best of his teachings while he was still head of the Order of the Star. Includes his first revolutionary talk, "Who Brings the Truth," at a time when he had been heralded as the next World Teacher, the Maitreya. Krishnamurti asks those present if they should believe he is the world teacher, how would it help them? This talk stresses that if you depend on authority, you will be building...
This book contains one lecture and two of Krishnamurti's legendary Ommen Campfire Talks given in Holland during his early years of teaching, and cl...
Jiddu Krishnamurti was one of the greatest spiritual teachers of modern times. While very young he was seen as something special so he and his brother were adopted by Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society and brought to England in 1911. He was groomed to be the next World Teacher, which Theosophists had been predicting would come. A worldwide organization was created around him called The Order of the Star of the East, which became enormously popular. In 1927 he was officially recognized by the group as being the World Teacher, but was not comfortable in this role. He was a man of great...
Jiddu Krishnamurti was one of the greatest spiritual teachers of modern times. While very young he was seen as something special so he and his brot...