Easwaran's best-selling translation of the Bhagavad Gita is reliable, readable, and profound. His 55-page introduction places the Gita in its historical context, presents key concepts, and brings out the universality and timelessness of its teachings. This edition includes chapter introductions, notes and a Sanskrit glossary.
Easwaran grew up in the Hindu tradition in India, learned Sanskrit from a young age, and became a professor of English literature before coming to the West. He is a gifted teacher and an authority on the Indian classics and world mysticism.
The Gita opens,...
Easwaran's best-selling translation of the Bhagavad Gita is reliable, readable, and profound. His 55-page introduction places the Gita in its historic...
Over-scheduled, always tired, struggling with the pull of the online world that s how many of us feel right now. Training a frazzled mind to embrace calm isn t easy. For over forty years, Easwaran dedicated himself to teaching meditation and the wisdom of slowing down. When the mind is unhurried, it is calm, kind, ready for anything, aware of what really matters amidst the clamor of a busy day. The secret is to learn to live in the present, to train our minds to work steadily and with one-pointed attention, however many tasks confront us. Through stories and parables, backed up by practical...
Over-scheduled, always tired, struggling with the pull of the online world that s how many of us feel right now. Training a frazzled mind to embrace c...
Na rozdíl od jiných knih, zabývajících se mantrami, je tato specifická: pojednává totiž nikoli o mantrách obecně, nýbrž o síle mantry osobní – té jediné, která je nejvhodnější právě pro vás. Autor, významný duchovní učitel a „profesor meditace“, vás v knize provede vším, co potřebujete vědět, abyste si sami zvolili svou vlastní, osobní mantru a naučili se ji používat ve svém každodenním životě tak, abyste plně využili její transformativní potenciál.
Osobní mantra může mimo jiné pomoci: Zkoncentrovat a zklidnit mysl ...
Na rozdíl od jiných knih, zabývajících se mantrami, je tato specifická: pojednává totiž nikoli o mantrách obecně, nýbrž o síle mantry os...