The classic books on a timeless subject -- for a new generation.
In 1975, Alona Frankel wrote and illustrated her first book, especially for her son Michael, on how to use the potty. Thirty-two years later, Once Upon a Potty -- Boy and Once Upon a Potty -- Girl are the classic books on potty training and have sold more than four million copies worldwide. These children's books help parents everywhere deal successfully with an often vexing challenge for the whole family.
Thanks to their timeless words and beloved images, Once Upon a Potty -- Boy...
The classic books on a timeless subject -- for a new generation.
In 1975, Alona Frankel wrote and illustrated her first book, espec...
The classic books on a timeless subject -- for a new generation.
In 1975, Alona Frankel wrote and illustrated her first book, especially for her son Michael, on how to use the potty. Thirty-two years later, Once Upon a Potty -- Boy and Once Upon a Potty -- Girl are the classic books on potty training and have sold more than four million copies worldwide. These children's books help parents everywhere deal successfully with an often vexing challenge for the whole family.
Thanks to their timeless words and beloved images, Once Upon a Potty -- Boy...
The classic books on a timeless subject -- for a new generation.
In 1975, Alona Frankel wrote and illustrated her first book, espec...
Ukrývat Židy bylo za holocaustu smrtelně nebezpečné. Tiše a ukázněně se měli proměnit v popel a dým. I malá židovská holčička Ilonka, která vypráví tento příběh. Prostými slovy a z pohledu dítěte líčí hlad, strach, nemoci, ztrátu důstojnosti, hony na lidi, organizované zabíjení. Popisuje i způsoby, kterými se Židé v okupovaném Polsku snažili těmto hrůzám uniknout a přežít. Ilonka přežila, většina jejích příbuzných však ne. Psát o tom se odhodlávala dlouho. Nesnaží se šokovat. Ty nejhorší hrůzy nejdříve naznačí a pak se k nim...
Ukrývat Židy bylo za holocaustu smrtelně nebezpečné. Tiše a ukázněně se měli proměnit v popel a dým. I malá židovská holčička Ilonka,...