Ancient Gods begin to stir and demand resurrection...A naked and crazy holy man leads a young warrior into the realm of the dead...In fear for his life, a young member of an evil race flees his home...An uneasy peace has settled upon Jillan's remote corner of the Empire, but he cannot return to his previous simple life. Tricked into a bargain with the manipulative God of Mayhem, he is forced to embark upon a journey that will leave his hometown undefended. Unsure of his fellow travellers, pursued by assassins and spies, he must discover the means by which to raise up the old gods and defeat...
Ancient Gods begin to stir and demand resurrection...A naked and crazy holy man leads a young warrior into the realm of the dead...In fear for his lif...
The gods will see you brought down. The spirits of your ancestors will have their revenge upon you. The Saviours will drain you of your very soul. In claiming a place in the world, mortals have won many enemies for themselves. The ancient gods are jealous and conspire against them. The King of the Dead looks to lead his armies into the land of the living. In their own realm, the mighty Declension watches and waits, as events begin to unfold precisely as they had always planned. Jillan and his companions are beset on all sides, yet are plagued by self-doubt and internal division.
The gods will see you brought down. The spirits of your ancestors will have their revenge upon you. The Saviours will drain you of your very soul. In ...