Akira Toriyama's groundbreaking, iconic, bestselling series now in an omnibus edition A seminal series from a legendary creator. Dragon Ball, a wry update on the Chinese "Monkey King" myth, introduces us to Son Goku, a young monkey-tailed boy whose quiet life is turned upside-down when he meets Bulma, a girl determined to collect the seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and to get them she needs the help of a certain super-strong boy... Legend has it...
Akira Toriyama's groundbreaking, iconic, bestselling series now in an omnibus edition A seminal series from a legendary creator. Dragon Ball, a w...
Akira Toriyama's groundbreaking, iconic, bestselling series now in an omnibus edition A seminal series from a legendary creator. Dragon Ball, a wry update on the Chinese "Monkey King" myth, introduces us to Son Goku, a young monkey-tailed boy whose quiet life is turned upside-down when he meets Bulma, a girl determined to collect the seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and to get them she needs the help of a certain super-strong boy... Son Goku has...
Akira Toriyama's groundbreaking, iconic, bestselling series now in an omnibus edition A seminal series from a legendary creator. Dragon Ball, a w...
Goku visits Kame-sen'nin, the Turtle Hermit, for a course in martial arts. Goku and a second disciple, the arrogant "Shaolin Shorty" Kuririn, survive their regimen of training, but can they make it through the prelims of the world's biggest martial arts tournament?
Goku visits Kame-sen'nin, the Turtle Hermit, for a course in martial arts. Goku and a second disciple, the arrogant "Shaolin Shorty" Kuririn, survive ...
Goku and Kuririn are among the eight contestants in the World Fighting Tournament. Kuririn faces Bacterian, but can he fight someone he can't stand the smell of? And Goku's first opponent is right out of a monster movie!
Goku and Kuririn are among the eight contestants in the World Fighting Tournament. Kuririn faces Bacterian, but can he fight someone he can't stand th...
This episode features the battle of the century -- Goku vs. Jackie Chun. No trick is too down-and-dirty, no technique too physically challenging. When Goku turns into King Kong in the middle of the Tenkai-ichi Budokai, everyone is running scared! What can stop a 50-foot monkey?
This episode features the battle of the century -- Goku vs. Jackie Chun. No trick is too down-and-dirty, no technique too physically challenging. When...
In the first volume of this series, Goku discovers that his Saiyan enemy Raditz is really his brother. When Goku tries to rescue his son, Gohan, from Raditz, the adventure turns fatal.
In the first volume of this series, Goku discovers that his Saiyan enemy Raditz is really his brother. When Goku tries to rescue his son, Gohan, from ...