Dick Bruna, the well-loved author and illustrator of the Miffy books, offers three charming books, each one illustrated in Bruna's immediately recognizable style: The Apple, the first book ever created by Bruna, in 1953, tells the story of a rosy red apple who yearns to see the world beyond his tree. With the help of a friendly rooster, he finally gets a glimpse into the lives of others.
Dick Bruna, the well-loved author and illustrator of the Miffy books, offers three charming books, each one illustrated in Bruna's immediately recogni...
Ever since Dick Bruna created Miffy in 1955, she has endeared herself to generations of young children and has become one of the best-loved children's book characters of all time. In this charming new addition to the Miffy story, Miffy takes inspiration from a visit to an art museum and decides to become an artist herself. Looking at the colors and shapes of the world around her, she discovers what fun it can be to make pictures of the things she sees. By bedtime, her bedroom walls are covered with her wonderful artwork. An inspiring book for budding artists and a terrific introduction to the...
Ever since Dick Bruna created Miffy in 1955, she has endeared herself to generations of young children and has become one of the best-loved children's...
Miffy is a young female rabbit. The books that make up the series (written for very small children) are centred around her life and adventures in a wide range of activities.
Miffy is a young female rabbit. The books that make up the series (written for very small children) are centred around her life and adventures in a wi...
In this royal tale, Miffy dreams she is the Queen of Rabbits - such a lovely thought! She would be a very kind and special queen, loved by all her subjects. What a pity it is just a dream...This highly desirable, collectible classic series has been updated for a new generation by award-winning poet, Tony Mitton.
In this royal tale, Miffy dreams she is the Queen of Rabbits - such a lovely thought! She would be a very kind and special queen, loved by all her sub...
Ever since Dick Bruna first created Miffy in 1955, she has endeared herself to generations of young children and has become one of the best-loved children's characters of all time. In this charming new addition to the Miffy story, Miffy takes inspiration from a visit to a museum and decides to become an artist herself. Looking at the colors and shapes of the world around her, she discovers what fun it can be to make pictures of the things she sees. By the end of the day, her bedroom walls are full of her wonderful artwork. With lift-up flaps that reveal hidden pictures, this book is the...
Ever since Dick Bruna first created Miffy in 1955, she has endeared herself to generations of young children and has become one of the best-loved chil...
Leporelo pro nejmenší. Hádanky ze zoo přináší knížka s netradičními výřezy a hrou s detailem. S Miffy se děti naučí listovat v knížkách, rozeznávat barvy, počítat, pojmenovávat zvířata... Pestrý a srozumitelný je svět kamarádky Miffy. A díky zkušenostem autora je první dětské objevování nejen výtvarně dokonalé, ale také zábavné a vtipné. Knížka nizozemského ilustrátora Dicka Bruny navazuje na sérii knih pro nejmenší děti, kterou rozvíjí již od roku 1955. Časem se stal opravdovým klasikem a předurčil charakteristické rysy ilustrace pro...
Leporelo pro nejmenší. Hádanky ze zoo přináší knížka s netradičními výřezy a hrou s detailem. S Miffy se děti naučí listovat v knížk...