- A mother receives an undeniable message of love from her deceased son - A series of meaningful coincidences appear to save a life - A conversation overheard between strangers delivers a life-altering personal message to a bystander - A dream warns a woman of a wounded animal miles away - A reading of oracle cards prepares a daughter for an impending tragedy Extraordinary? Unusual? It's not Messages from Spirit are received every day by ordinary people in a multitude of ways. We are made of, and surrounded by, an all-knowing Divine field of intelligence that is just...
- A mother receives an undeniable message of love from her deceased son - A series of meaningful coincidences appear to save a life - A conver...
Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden from mortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even before the written word, the ancients established a Divine partnership between humans and these Hidden Realms. Both agreed to form an eternal Sacred Alliance to establish harmony and balance between the material and the spiritual. The Alliance ensured that when we asked for guidance in manifesting our reality, they would help us find our way to the highest good for all. But in time, humanity turned itself away from the natural world as a source for the Divine and forgot...
Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden from mortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even before the written word, th...
Imagine . . . between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Colette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger Consciousness and guide you as you travel along on the journey of your life. The themes of these 54 cards represent some of the places you ll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challengers you ll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life s journey. The enclosed guidebook will help you ask the right questions and interpret the...
Imagine . . . between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness....
In this fascinating book, Colette Baron-Reid hands you the 'magic wand' of your own awareness so that you can begin to perceive your life as a wonderful adventure, and see yourself as a powerful mapmaker.
In this fascinating book, Colette Baron-Reid hands you the 'magic wand' of your own awareness so that you can begin to perceive your life as a wonderf...
Colette Baron-Reid vytvořila sadu tarotových karet s tradiční strukturou, avšak s modernější a jednodušší duchovní stavbou. Tarot dobra je založen na stovky let starém systému věštění, ale zároveň využívá poznatků současné pozitivní psychologie. 78 karet v balíčku představuje univerzální, archetypální stránky lidství, které každý člověk nosí uvnitř sebe, nebo je nalézá v prostředí vnějšího světa a ve vztahu s druhými. Rozdílu mezi Tarotem dobra a jinými tarotovými sadami si všimnete okamžitě. Všechna poselství karet jsou...
Colette Baron-Reid vytvořila sadu tarotových karet s tradiční strukturou, avšak s modernější a jednodušší duchovní stavbou. Tarot dobra je...