August Schleicher (1821 68) is often credited with being the first scholar to apply a 'family tree' model to language groups. He had published extensively on individual European languages before his groundbreaking comparative Indo-European Compendium (also reissued in this series) appeared in German in 1861 2. The book was derived from his lectures, and was intended to save his students note-taking and copying from the blackboard. Each section begins with his reconstruction of a Proto-Indo-European phonological or morphological feature, and then shows how this is reflected in a range of...
August Schleicher (1821 68) is often credited with being the first scholar to apply a 'family tree' model to language groups. He had published extensi...
August Schleicher (1821 68) is often credited with being the first scholar to apply a 'family tree' model to language groups. He had published extensively on individual European languages before his groundbreaking comparative Indo-European Compendium (also reissued in this series) appeared in German in 1861 2. The book was derived from his lectures, and was intended to save his students note-taking and copying from the blackboard. Each section begins with his reconstruction of a Proto-Indo-European phonological or morphological feature, and then shows how this is reflected in a range of...
August Schleicher (1821 68) is often credited with being the first scholar to apply a 'family tree' model to language groups. He had published extensi...
August Schleicher: Litauische Marchen, Sprichworte, Ratsel und Lieder Weimar: Bohlau, 1857. Vollstandige Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2013. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Schleicher, August: Litauische Marchen, Sprichworte, Ratsel und Lieder. Weimar: Bohlau, 1857 (Nachdruck Hildesheim/New York: Olms, 1975). Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als Marginalie zeilengenau mitgefuhrt. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage. Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 11 pt."
August Schleicher: Litauische Marchen, Sprichworte, Ratsel und Lieder Weimar: Bohlau, 1857. Vollstandige Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth...