Lorsqu'Anthony Mercer est entre dans le restaurant Au c ur du terroir, il etait a la recherche d'un bon repas et d'une soiree agreable passee avec une amie. Il ne s'attendait pas a rencontrer - et encore moins coucher avec - Paul Delescluse, un serveur du restaurant. Apres avoir passe une semaine magique ensemble a Paris, Anthony doit retourner a sa vie en Caroline du Nord, tandis que Paul reste en France.
Malgre la distance et l'absence de promesses entre eux - Paul veut du sexe, pas une relation - Paul et Anthony forgent une amitie solide. Puis le travail d'Anthony le ramene a Paris,...
Lorsqu'Anthony Mercer est entre dans le restaurant Au c ur du terroir, il etait a la recherche d'un bon repas et d'une soiree agreable passee avec ...
None of the matches caught his eye as much as the matchmaker himself.
Growing up poorer than poor didn't leave Navashen Bhattathiri many options for life outside of school. All of his concentration was on keeping his scholarships. Sixteen years later he's fulfilled his dream and become a doctor. Now he's returning home to Lexington and is ready to prove himself to the world. In doing so, he reconnects with Brent Carpenter--high school classmate, real estate agent, all-around great guy... and closet matchmaker.
Brent makes it...
Lexington Lovers
None of the matches caught his eye as much as the matchmaker himself.
“Are you surprised that strength is drawn to strength?”
For the last six years, the gypsy healer Raúl has lived a life he never dreamed possible. Gerrard Hawkins has stood at his side, his love a source of silent strength like nothing Raúl has ever known.
When a letter from Gerrard’s estranged father forces them in separate directions—Gerrard back to England to make peace with his family and Raúl to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer for his annual...
All for Love: Book Three
“Are you surprised that strength is drawn to strength?”