In exploring the concept of teaching as a vocation in Christian tradition, this book aims to articulate the essential interconnectedness between four elements: Christ as the foundation of Christian vocation - biblical perspectives, focusing particularly on the concepts of discipleship, emulation and charism The way in which that vocation has developed within Christian tradition - historical perspectives focusing on two Religious Orders Current critical scholarship concerning teaching as a vocation Vocation demonstrated in the perceptions and motivations of practitioners The...
In exploring the concept of teaching as a vocation in Christian tradition, this book aims to articulate the essential interconnectedness between four ...
This is the definitive autobiography of John Lydon, one of the most recognizable icons in the annals of music history. As Johnny Rotten, he was the lead singer of the Sex Pistols - the world's most notorious band, who shot to fame in the mid-1970s with singles such as 'Anarchy in the UK' and 'God Save the Queen'. Via his music and invective he spearheaded a generation of young people across the world who were clamouring for change - and found it in the style and attitude of this most unlikely figurehead. With his next band, Public Image Ltd (PiL) Lydon expressed an equally urgent impulse in...
This is the definitive autobiography of John Lydon, one of the most recognizable icons in the annals of music history. As Johnny Rotten, he was the le...