Creative writing is a responsive human activity. We use it to respond to the world, to our feelings, to ideas, to observations, to other people, to historical and cultural events, and to the wonders created in our imaginations. This book shows how we go about doing this responding. Contributors discuss practice-led research in creative writing. They look at the ways a writer can use language or employ genre and consider how we each define themes and subjects and use writing techniques to explore to these themes and subjects. In examining creative writing teaching, the contributions gathered...
Creative writing is a responsive human activity. We use it to respond to the world, to our feelings, to ideas, to observations, to other people, to hi...
In education, sorting students according to attainment is common. Such sorting clearly sets up the potential for exclusion, based on the attainment ideals and on the modes of selection. Ideals of inclusion suggest diversity, and those of equity, by reference to impartiality, suggest freedom from bias. Honors education, which celebrates excellence, and references "honor" and all that word and concept infers, heightens and promotes the principled recognition of attainment, giving rise to questions of diversity, equity and inclusion. The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development...
In education, sorting students according to attainment is common. Such sorting clearly sets up the potential for exclusion, based on the attainment id...