Beginning with an overview of the basic concepts of SEM and the EQS program, this book works through applications starting with simple single group analyses, through to more advanced applications, such as a multi-group, latent growth curve, and multilevel modeling. It provides a non-mathematical introduction to the basic concepts of SEM.
Beginning with an overview of the basic concepts of SEM and the EQS program, this book works through applications starting with simple single group an...
This book illustrates the ease with which various features of LISREL 8 and PRELIS 2 can be implemented in addressing research questions that lend themselves to SEM. Its purpose is threefold: (a) to present a nonmathmatical introduction to basic concepts associated with SEM, (b) to demonstrate basic applications of SEM using both the DOS and Windows versions of LISREL 8, as well as both the LISREL and SIMPLIS lexicons, and (c) to highlight particular features of the LISREL 8 and PRELIS 2 progams that address important caveats related to SEM analyses.
This book is intended neither as...
This book illustrates the ease with which various features of LISREL 8 and PRELIS 2 can be implemented in addressing research questions that lend t...