praise for previous books by stephen d. brookfield
"Award-winning author Stephen Brookfield offers insight, inspiration, and down-to-earth advice to all teachers in settings as diverse as college, adult education, and secondary schools--on how to thrive on the unpredictability of classroom life."--Better Teaching
"The author relates] some of his own personal experiences as an educator in encouraging critical thinking. His insight and honesty in relating these experiences is valuable and interesting."--CBE Report
"Brookfield's book will serve as an effective focus that...
praise for previous books by stephen d. brookfield
"Award-winning author Stephen Brookfield offers insight, inspiration, and down-to-earth a...
Radicalizing Learning calls for a total rethinking of what the field of adult education stands for and how adult educators should assess their effectiveness. Arguing that major changes in society are needed to create a more just world, the authors set out to show how educators can help learners envision and enact this radical transformation.
Specifically, the book explores the areas of adult learning, training, teaching, facilitation, program development, and research. Each chapter provides a guide to the different paradigms and perspectives that prevail across the field of...
Radicalizing Learning calls for a total rethinking of what the field of adult education stands for and how adult educators should assess the...