This is an excellent book. It builds well on Peter Jenkins' admirable earlier contribution to our knowledge of the many legal matters that are of vital concern to counsellors (Counselling, Psychotherapyand the Law, SAGE 1997) It is mY intention, as a counsellor and lecturer to make Peter Jenkins' new book required reading for all our students. Indeed I would go as far to say that all counsellors, not matter how experienced they consider themselves, should consider this book as essential reading. As the advert says, "don't leave home without one " - Norman Claringbull,...
This is an excellent book. It builds well on Peter Jenkins' admirable earlier contribution to our knowledge of the many legal matters that are of vita...
Therapy with Children is a vital resource for any practitioner navigating the legal minefield of working with children and young people. Prioritising the needs of the child as the client, the authors explore the legal and professional dimensions of working therapeutically with children. This long-awaited second edition responds to significant shifts in policy and the revised text additionally addresses: - the importance of confidentiality in establishing a working alliance and maintaining a secure environment for therapy with children - the conflicting pressures faced by therapists concerning...
Therapy with Children is a vital resource for any practitioner navigating the legal minefield of working with children and young people. Prioritising ...