Under the Nazi regime, Hitler's conservative views on the place of housewives and mothers in society limited German women to a much less active role in World War II (1939-1945) than their British and Allied counterparts. Nevertheless, the demands of a prolonged war did see German women in a range of uniforms as auxiliaries with the Army, Navy, Air Force and SS, particularly in the signals and air defence services. This unique book explains and illustrates these organisations and their uniforms and insignia, as well as Red Cross nurses, and auxiliaries of the Labour Corps, Customs Service,...
Under the Nazi regime, Hitler's conservative views on the place of housewives and mothers in society limited German women to a much less active role i...
By the outbreak of World War II, Germany had done much to replace the Kaiser's High Seas Fleet, which was scuttled following their surrender at the end of World War I. Forced to build anew, the Kriegsmarine possessed some of the most technically advanced warships in existence. Although the heavy units of the fleet were too small in number to pose much of a threat, Germany was particularly well served by her Navy's smaller vessels, in particular the U-Boats and the S-Boats. Known to the allies as the E-Boats ('Enemy'), they performed sterling duties in the Black Sea and English Channel, where...
By the outbreak of World War II, Germany had done much to replace the Kaiser's High Seas Fleet, which was scuttled following their surrender at the en...
On 1st September 1939, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was created by Hitler. It was the highest Third Reich award and could be distributed to all ranks within any branch of the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS or the auxiliary services. This is the first of four books looking at the winners of the Knight's Cross, from 1939-1940.
On 1st September 1939, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was created by Hitler. It was the highest Third Reich award and could be distributed to al...
Osprey's examination of the recipients of the Knight's Cross with Diamonds award of World War II (1939-1945). On 1 September 1939, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was created by Hitler. It could be distributed to all ranks within any branch of the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS or the auxiliary services, and it was the highest award that the Third Reich could offer. During the war, new grades of Knight's Cross were added. The Diamonds were introduced on 28 September 1941, and were the next highest grade above the Oakleaves and Swords. Only 27 awards of Diamonds were made during the war creating an...
Osprey's examination of the recipients of the Knight's Cross with Diamonds award of World War II (1939-1945). On 1 September 1939, the Knight's Cross ...
During WWII, German E-Boats were so active in the English Channel that the narrow stretch of water became known as 'E-Boat Alley'. To counter the threat of these E-Boats, Britain brought its coastal forces to bear - flotillas of small Motor Torpedo and Gun Boats (MTBs and MGBs) and Motor Launches (MLs).
As the Germans sought to maintain their supremacy in Channel waters, they continued to develop their E-Boat designs to accommodate more armor and more firepower. Rather than matching the newer E-Boats for armament, the British developed several types to fulfill the varied roles for...
During WWII, German E-Boats were so active in the English Channel that the narrow stretch of water became known as 'E-Boat Alley'. To counter the t...
Podczas II wojny światowej wojska pancerne Trzeciej Rzeszy walczyły na pierwszej linii w każdej ważniejszej kampanii lub bitwie, od inwazji na Polskę i Francję po ostatnią wielką kontrofensywę w Ardenach. Czołgiści niemieccy służyli na każdym froncie, zdobywając ogromny respekt dzięki swej energiczności w ataku i wytrwałości w obronie. Niniejsza książka przedstawia rekrutację, szkolenie, warunki służby i doświadczenie bojowe typowego niemieckiego czołgisty w II wojnie światowej, służącego na różnych frontach – od skwaru Pustyni Zachodniej po zamarzniętą...
Podczas II wojny światowej wojska pancerne Trzeciej Rzeszy walczyły na pierwszej linii w każdej ważniejszej kampanii lub bitwie, od inwazji na Pol...
Każdy z niemieckich rodzajów sił zbrojnych okresu II wojny światowej, posiadał co najmniej jedną jednostkę, która zasłużyła na unikalną bojową reputację. Oddziały te miały jeszcze jedną wspólną cechę – rozwinęły się o wiele bardziej, niż zakładały to oryginalne plany ich twórców. Herman Göring, głównodowodzący sił powietrznych, był zdeterminowany w pragnieniu, aby jego Luftwaffe także wzięła udział w podziale chwały w nadchodzących niemieckich podbojach lądowych i nadał swoje imię pułkowej grupie piechoty i artylerii przeciwlotniczej. Ta elitarna...
Każdy z niemieckich rodzajów sił zbrojnych okresu II wojny światowej, posiadał co najmniej jedną jednostkę, która zasłużyła na unikalną bo...