Tento titul přináší přehledné informace o knize, která tvoří základ dvou světových náboženství: judaismu a křesťanství. Dává nahlédnout do dějin biblických dob i do tehdejšího životního způsobu, seznamuje čtenáře s obsahem a stylem jednotlivých biblických knih i s celkovým poselstvím Bible a jejím vlivem na naši minulost i současnost.
Tento titul přináší přehledné informace o knize, která tvoří základ dvou světových náboženství: judaismu a křesťanství. Dává nahl...
Religious Education for Jamaica 2nd Edition builds on a tried and tested approach to develop the personal, learning, and critical thinking skills students need for success in the 21st century. Updated to match the NSC syllabus, the course develops learners' understanding of religious beliefs and spiritual practices, encouraging them to make links through their own lived experiences.
Religious Education for Jamaica 2nd Edition builds on a tried and tested approach to develop the personal, learning, and critical thinking skills stud...
Religious Education for Jamaica 2nd Edition builds on a tried and tested approach to develop the personal, learning, and critical thinking skills students need for success in the 21st century. Updated to match the NSC syllabus, the course develops learners' understanding of religious beliefs and spiritual practices, encouraging them to make links through their own lived experiences.
Religious Education for Jamaica 2nd Edition builds on a tried and tested approach to develop the personal, learning, and critical thinking skills stud...
Religious Education for Jamaica 2nd Edition builds on a tried and tested approach to develop the personal, learning, and critical thinking skills students need for success in the 21st century. Updated to match the NSC syllabus, the course develops learners' understanding of religious beliefs and spiritual practices, encouraging them to make links through their own lived experiences.
Religious Education for Jamaica 2nd Edition builds on a tried and tested approach to develop the personal, learning, and critical thinking skills stud...