With a page for each continent, children will love lifting the flaps in this atlas to discover the interesting animals, buildings, foods and cultures that they would find there.
With a page for each continent, children will love lifting the flaps in this atlas to discover the interesting animals, buildings, foods and cultures ...
Save the planet one page at a time with this helpful and practical flap book on rubbish and recycling. It includes double page spreads on where rubbish comes from, it discusses how glass, metal, plastics and paper can be remade into new things, and provides insight into what happens to the rubbish that is not recycled.
Save the planet one page at a time with this helpful and practical flap book on rubbish and recycling. It includes double page spreads on where rubbis...
his book prepares boys for what to expect from puberty and offers advice on what they can do to cope with the physical, psychological and emotional changes and stay happy and confident as they go through their early teens. Covers all the topics that boys want to find out about, including moods and feelings, what happens to girls, diet, exercise, body image, sex and relationships, contraception, sexual health, self-confidence, drink and drugs, exam stress, cyberbullying, and staying safe - both out and about and online. Guides young teenagers through this exciting and sometimes daunting stage...
his book prepares boys for what to expect from puberty and offers advice on what they can do to cope with the physical, psychological and emotional ch...
Featuring mazes and logic problems to solve, wordsearches, codes to crack, number puzzles and more, this book is the boredom-buster, ready to use any time you have a spare few moments.
Featuring mazes and logic problems to solve, wordsearches, codes to crack, number puzzles and more, this book is the boredom-buster, ready to use any ...
Co je to náboženství? Proč někteří lidé věří v Boha, zatímco jiní ne? Která náboženství sdílí společnou historii, tradice a příběhy, a která jsou naopak neslučitelná? Co přichází po smrti? Na tyto otázky není vůbec lehké odpovědět, ale dříve či později si je pokládá každý. Knížka s více než 70 odklápěcími okénky vysvětluje srozumitelnou a díky mnoha ilustracím také názornou formou starším dětem problematiku víry z mnoha úhlů pohledu. Staví vedle sebe nejrozšířenější náboženství, a aniž by je jakkoli hodnotila nebo...
Co je to náboženství? Proč někteří lidé věří v Boha, zatímco jiní ne? Která náboženství sdílí společnou historii, tradice a příb...