In this important book Niklas Luhmann - one of the leading social thinkers of the late 20th century - analyses the emergence of 'love' as the basis of personal relationships in modern societies. He argues that, while family systems remained intact in the transition from traditional to modern societies, a semantics for love developed to accommodate extra-marital relationships; this semantics was then transferred back into marriage and eventually transformed marriage itself. Drawing on a diverse range of historical and literary sources, Luhmann retraces the emergence and evolution of the...
In this important book Niklas Luhmann - one of the leading social thinkers of the late 20th century - analyses the emergence of 'love' as the basis of...
Modern systems theory provides a new method for the analysis of society through an examination of the structures of its communications. In this volume, Niklas Luhmann, the theory's leading exponent, explores its implications for our understanding of law. Luhmann argues that current thinking about how law operates within a modern society is seriously deficient. He lays out the theoretical and methodological tools that, he argues, can advance our understanding of contemporary society and in particular of the identity, performance, and function of the legal system within that society. In...
Modern systems theory provides a new method for the analysis of society through an examination of the structures of its communications. In this volume...
Kniha Realita masmédií je dalším příspěvkem Niklase Luhmanna k teorii sociálních systémů, kterou tento německý sociolog ve svých dřívejších pracích aplikoval například na sféry ekonomie, politiky, vědy, práva či umění. Masmédia představují v Luhmannově pojetí jeden ze zásadních systémů moderní společnosti, o jehož realitě lze hovořit ve dvojím smyslu. Je to jednak jejich skutečná, reálná realita, která spočívá v jejich vlastních reálně plynoucích operacích a jako taková je závislá na technologiích. Vedle sekvence operací Luhmannn...
Kniha Realita masmédií je dalším příspěvkem Niklase Luhmanna k teorii sociálních systémů, kterou tento německý sociolog ve svých dříve...
Niklas Luhmann is recognised as a major social theorist, and his treatise on the sociology of law is a classic text. For Luhmann, law provides the framework of the state, lawyers are the main human resource for the state, and legal theory provides the most suitable base from which to theorize on the nature of society. He explores the concept of law in the light of a general theory of social systems, showing the important part law plays in resolving fundamental problems a society may face. He then goes on to discuss in detail how modern 'positive' - as opposed to 'natural' - law comes to...
Niklas Luhmann is recognised as a major social theorist, and his treatise on the sociology of law is a classic text. For Luhmann, law provides the ...