The Qabalah has long been a system of mysticism and magic that few could truly understand, thanks to the difficult and obtuse language and symbolism employed. Many texts have appeared, offering to explain this mysterious subject, but few do so as succintly as this book. The Qabalah: Beyond the Veil aims to lift the lid on this extraordinary tradition, utilised by Jews, Christians and Hermeticists. It provides a brief look at the primary aspects of the system, from the Sephiroth and Paths on the Tree of Life to the Lightning Flash and those most impenetrable of all veils: those of Negative...
The Qabalah has long been a system of mysticism and magic that few could truly understand, thanks to the difficult and obtuse language and symbolism e...
What makes a magician? Whether it is knowledge, wisdom, power, or responsibility, Gordon Strong explores the essential traits and tenets that make up the persona of the best magicians, granting insight into some of the historical antecedents who exemplified these qualities. Both the novice and the seasoned practitioner can benefit from being aware of the codes of conduct that govern the magical world. By abiding by a reasonable set of rules, a greater understanding of the esoteric realm will result.
What makes a magician? Whether it is knowledge, wisdom, power, or responsibility, Gordon Strong explores the essential traits and tenets that make up ...