Have you ever wondered whether the forensic science you've seen on TV is anything like the real thing? There's no better way to find out than to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. This full-color book offers advice for setting up an inexpensive home lab, and includes more than 50 hands-on lab sessions that deal with forensic science experiments in biology, chemistry, and physics. You'll learn the practical skills and fundamental knowledge needed to pursue forensics as a lifelong hobby--or even a career.
The forensic science procedures in this book are not merely educational,...
Have you ever wondered whether the forensic science you've seen on TV is anything like the real thing? There's no better way to find out than to ro...
Experience the magic of biology in your own home lab. This hands-on introduction includes more than 30 educational (and fun) experiments that help you explore this fascinating field on your own. Perfect for middle- and high-school students and DIY enthusiasts, this full-color guide teaches you the basics of biology lab work and shows you how to set up a safe lab at home.
The Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments is also written with the needs of homeschoolers firmly in mind, as well as adults who are eager to explore the science of nature as a life-long hobby. To get...
Experience the magic of biology in your own home lab. This hands-on introduction includes more than 30 educational (and fun) experiments that help ...
What can you do with a degree in math? This book addresses this question with 125 career profiles written by people with degrees and backgrounds in mathematics. With job titles ranging from sports analyst to science writer to inventory specialist to CEO, the volume provides ample evidence that one really can do nearly anything with a degree in mathematics. These professionals share how their mathematical education shaped their career choices and how mathematics, or the skills acquired in a mathematics education, is used in their daily work. The degrees earned by the authors profiled here are...
What can you do with a degree in math? This book addresses this question with 125 career profiles written by people with degrees and backgrounds in ma...