Globalization and its relation to poverty reduction and development are not well understood. This book explores the ways in which globalization can overcome poverty or make it worse. The book defines the big historical trends, identifies the main globalization processes--trade, finance, aid, migration, and ideas--and examines how each can contribute to economic development. By considering what helps and what does not, the book presents policy recommendations to make globalization more effective as a vehicle for shared growth and poverty reduction. It will be of interest to students,...
Globalization and its relation to poverty reduction and development are not well understood. This book explores the ways in which globalization can ov...
With rapid globalization, the world is more deeply interconnected than ever before. While this has its advantages, it also brings with it systemic risks that are only just being identified and understood. Rapid urbanization, together with technological leaps, such as the Internet, mean that we are now physically and virtually closer than ever in humanity's history. We face a number of international challenges - climate change, pandemics, cyber security, and migration - which spill over national boundaries. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the UN, the IMF, the World Bank - bodies...
With rapid globalization, the world is more deeply interconnected than ever before. While this has its advantages, it also brings with it systemic ris...
What are the impacts of population growth? Can our planet support the demands of the ten billion people anticipated to be the world's population by the middle of this century? While it is common to hear about the problems of overpopulation, might there be unexplored benefits of increasing numbers of people in the world? How can we both consider and harness the potential benefits brought by a healthier, wealthier and larger population? May more people mean more scientists to discover how our world works, more inventors and thinkers to help solve the world's problems, more skilled people to...
What are the impacts of population growth? Can our planet support the demands of the ten billion people anticipated to be the world's population by th...
Deset předních akademiků z deseti různých vědních oborů zkoumá zamýšlené i nezamýšlené důsledky nárůstu populace a hospodářského růstu. Jaké jsou dopady populačního růstu? Může naše planeta uspokojit požadavky očekávaného počtu deseti miliard světové populace v polovině tohoto století? V této knize přední akademici s širokou škálou odborných znalostí v oblasti demografie, filozofie, biologie, klimatologie, ekonomie a udržitelnosti životního prostředí zkoumají souvislosti, náklady a přínosy, které má narůstající populace pro náš...
Deset předních akademiků z deseti různých vědních oborů zkoumá zamýšlené i nezamýšlené důsledky nárůstu populace a hospodářského ...