The Cahiers/Notebooks of Paul Valery are a unique form of writing. They reveal Valery as one of the most radical and creative minds of the twentieth century, encompassing a wide range of investigation into all spheres of human activity. His work explores the arts, the sciences, philosophy, history and politics, investigating linguistic, psychological and social issues, all linked to the central questions, relentlessly posed: 'what is the human mind and how does it work?', 'what is the potential of thought and what are its limits?' But we encounter here too, Valery the writer:...
The Cahiers/Notebooks of Paul Valery are a unique form of writing. They reveal Valery as one of the most radical and creative minds of the twen...
The Cahiers/Notebooks of Paul Valery are a unique form of writing. They reveal Valery as one of the most radical and creative minds of the twentieth century, encompassing a wide range of investigation into all spheres of human activity. His work explores the arts, the sciences, philosophy, history and politics, investigating linguistic, psychological and social issues, all linked to the central questions, relentlessly posed: what is the human mind and how does it work?, what is the potential of thought and what are its limits? But we encounter here too, Valery the writer:...
The Cahiers/Notebooks of Paul Valery are a unique form of writing. They reveal Valery as one of the most radical and creative minds of the twen...
The Cahiers/Notebooks of Paul Valery are a unique form of writing. They reveal Valery as one of the most radical and creative minds of the twentieth century, encompassing a wide range of investigation into all spheres of human activity. His work explores the arts, the sciences, philosophy, history and politics, investigating linguistic, psychological and social issues, all linked to the central questions, relentlessly posed: what is the human mind and how does it work?, what is the potential of thought and what are its limits? But we encounter here too, Valery the writer:...
The Cahiers/Notebooks of Paul Valery are a unique form of writing. They reveal Valery as one of the most radical and creative minds of the twen...
Paul Valéry koncipoval své deníkové záznamy v podstatě jako úvahy soustředěné na jednu hlavní otázku: jaká je podstata lidského ducha, jaké jsou jeho mechanismy, možnosti a hranice, jak pracuje lidská mysl? Tohoto filozofického, psychologického nebo vědeckého problému se přímo či nepřímo dotýkají prakticky všechny deníkové zápisky. Autor veškeré texty, jež v rukopise představovaly nesmírných 26 000 stran, sám roztřídil do 31 tematických kapitol či souborů. Faksimile celého díla byla vydána v letech 1957–1961 v Centre national de la recherche...
Paul Valéry koncipoval své deníkové záznamy v podstatě jako úvahy soustředěné na jednu hlavní otázku: jaká je podstata lidského ducha, j...