Why Howard Zinn has become one of the most important and influential American historians is perhaps nowhere more evident than in this new book. Few social critics have been as inspiring as the ever-hopeful Zinn and, unlike many historians, Zinn turns historical details toward deeper observations on the universal truths and struggles of humankind. His remarkable wisdom and insight can be found in his earliest writings through his latest essays, speeches, and plays. Uncommon Sense brings together his most poignant and profound quotations from decades of writing and speaking. The book reveals...
Why Howard Zinn has become one of the most important and influential American historians is perhaps nowhere more evident than in this new book. Few so...
The postwar boom in the U.S. brought about massive changes in U.S. society and culture. In this accessible volume, historian Howard Zinn offers a view from below on these vital years in American history. By critically examining U.S. militarism abroad and racism at home, he raises challenging questions about this often romanticized era.
The postwar boom in the U.S. brought about massive changes in U.S. society and culture. In this accessible volume, historian Howard Zinn offers a view...
The premise of this witty and insightful -play on history- is that Karl Marx has agitated with the authorities of the afterlife for a chance to clear his name. Through a bureaucratic error, though, Marx is sent to Soho in New York, rather than his old stomping ground in London, to make his case.
The premise of this witty and insightful -play on history- is that Karl Marx has agitated with the authorities of the afterlife for a chance to clear ...
In this lively collection of essays, Zinn discusses a wide range of historical and political topics, from the role of the Supreme Court in U.S. history to the nature of higher education today.
In this lively collection of essays, Zinn discusses a wide range of historical and political topics, from the role of the Supreme Court in U.S. histor...
Of the many books that challenged the Vietnam War, Howard Zinn's stands out as one of the best--and most influential. It helped sparked national debate on the war. It includes a powerful speech written by Zinn that President Johnson should have given to lay out the case for ending the war. Includes a new introduction by the author.
Of the many books that challenged the Vietnam War, Howard Zinn's stands out as one of the best--and most influential. It helped sparked national debat...
Bomba je poslední knihou, kterou známý lingvista a sociální aktivista Howard Zinn stihl vydat před svou smrtí v roce 2010 a pro samotného Howarda tato kniha byla jednou z nejdůležitějších, které napsal a zároveň nejvíce osobní. Na základě vlastních vzpomínek, kdy za druhé světové války jako pilot bombardéru shazoval bomby i nad Československem, promlouvá vůči oficiálnímu výkladu dějin a apeluje na naši vlastní zodpovědnost. Jsme to totiž my, kdo by měl zodpovědnost držet pevně v rukou. Zinn v knize shrnuje své názory na válku a vysvětluje změnu...
Bomba je poslední knihou, kterou známý lingvista a sociální aktivista Howard Zinn stihl vydat před svou smrtí v roce 2010 a pro samotného Howa...
This is a new edition of the radical social history of America from Columbus to the present.
This powerful and controversial study turns orthodox American history upside down to portray the social turmoil behind the "march of progress."
Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People's History is the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view of - and in the words of - America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As historian Howard Zinn shows, many of America's...
This is a new edition of the radical social history of America from Columbus to the present.
This powerful and controversial study turns orthodox A...
Why Howard Zinn has become one of the most important and influential American historians is perhaps nowhere more evident than in this new book. Few social critics have been as inspiring as the ever-hopeful Zinn and, unlike many historians, Zinn turns historical details toward deeper observations on the universal truths and struggles of humankind. His remarkable wisdom and insight can be found in his earliest writings through his latest essays, speeches, and plays. Uncommon Sense brings together his most poignant and profound quotations from decades of writing and speaking. The book reveals...
Why Howard Zinn has become one of the most important and influential American historians is perhaps nowhere more evident than in this new book. Few so...