This is Kazantzakis's modern Iliad. Set in late-19th-century Crete, when a new uprising takes place to rival those of 1854, 1866 and 1878. In the village of Megalokastro, a Cretan resistance fighter named Captain Michales, is matched by the Turkish bey, his blood-brother.
This is Kazantzakis's modern Iliad. Set in late-19th-century Crete, when a new uprising takes place to rival those of 1854, 1866 and 1878. In the vill...
The inhabitants of a Greek village, ruled by the Turks, plan to enact the life of Christ in a mystery play but are overwhelmed by their task. A group of refugees, fleeing from the ruins of their plundered homes, arrive asking for protection - and suddenly the drama of the Passion becomes reality.
The inhabitants of a Greek village, ruled by the Turks, plan to enact the life of Christ in a mystery play but are overwhelmed by their task. A group ...
Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he arrives, he meets Alexis Zorba, a middle-aged Greek man with a zest for life. As their friendship develops, the Englishman is gradually won over, transformed and inspired along with the reader.
Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he ...